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Leaders work with Leaders

Before we can be superheroes we must first take care of ourselves

There is no secret of the impact  that you and your staff have on the students and families within your community. For leaders to continue to pour into students and families, we must make sure we are taking care of us. Self care is a marathon, not a sprint. Implementing simple, effective tasks daily can help increase your longevity as an educator and improve your well-being. Stephen and his wife, Britney, have designed a self care training presentation that will equip staff with a plan of action, but also with CPE credits, which is always good news.

Educators Leading with Purpose

Stephen has walked, talked and lived the life of an educator. As a special education teacher that served primary and secondary students, he knows very well of the challenges that comes with the title of teacher.


Each presentation has been created with the teacher as a whole in mind. Regardless if you're a new teacher or veteran in the education field. This presentation is designed to equip you to not just go throughout the motion but actually thrive while leading. 

"I first heard Stephen speak at Hedrick Middle School and was blown away by how he connected to the students and staff. When Stephen speaks, it comes from the heart and from experience. He has impacted my life both as a teacher and an individual. My favorite quote from him that really connected with me was “it’s okay not to be okay”."

Jessica Demuss, Teacher

Ready to partner with Stephen

There is something powerful when leaders join forces to make an impact 

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