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When They Win, We Win.

Stephen is planting seeds within our schools and communities that will be the start of a generation leading with purpose and knowing they are LOVED

Stephen provides individualized support to meet students' needs

Mental Health
Leadership Development
School Unity
Mental Health Workshop

It's time for us to get serious about our young men's mental health. 

The Rejuvenated workbook and corresponding workshop were built to address the ongoing concerns surrounding mental health for teen males. Stephen has created an opportunity for our young men to dive into the conversation with intention. 

Stephen has worked within the school system for over 10 years, and knows the challenges that occur when our young males aren't able to express themselves effectively. This not only impacts our schools, but spreads throughout our communities. 

Rejuvenated isn't just another workbook for students to store in their backpacks. Rejuvenated is a portable coping kit designed to spark positive decision making and behaviors rather than buying into irrational thoughts that we all have struggled with.


Workshop Enrollment Includes:

Onsite small group guidance & facilitation

Stephen provides small group guidance through each of the three sections in the workbook. 


Guided interactive exercises

Rejuvenated is filled with actionable exercise and quizzes to provoke both thoughts and behavior awareness.

30 Day Journal Challenge

It's important that students are left with an ongoing tool that will foster their ability to release their thoughts. A 30 day journal is included in each workbook. 

Building Relationships

Stephen is on a mission to be a voice of reason for our youth and to provide a safe haven through meaningful connection. Stephen's ultimate goal is to support our students both inside and outside the school. He understands that when they thrive so does our families and school leaders.


Hi Mr.Simpson! my name is Greta and I wanted to give a BIG thank you for coming to talk to us at vines. I loved listening to all the inspiring things you had to say. especially the part about the difference between being liked and loved. thank you for all that you do!! :) 

Ready to partner with Stephen

There is something powerful when leaders join forces to make an impact

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